These times are not easy. It is not a simple question: how can we be with one another in ways that allow us all to be safe and well? This is however a chance to embody our values and draw on our collective resilience.
Here are a few suggestions:
· Go for a walk. You can walk outside and maintain social distancing.
· Play with your kids and/or pets. I do a 30-second dance party with my dog by blasting a song that makes me happy and we sing and dance around the house! Zoe isn’t as good a dancer as Sasha, my German Shepard (she would put her paws on my shoulders like a slow dance) but I don’t judge Zoe!
· Set your phone for a midday reminder to pause, notice and breathe. 4, 7, 8 works for me. Inhale for 4 counts, hold it for 7 and breathe out for 8. Do this 3-6 times and note the difference you feel in your body.
· Look away from the news! I know it’s hard. I’ve noticed my mood is better when I avoid scrolling. Setting a timer for a half-hour in the morning and/or in the evening allows check-in with a deadline.
· Resources for coping: https://www.virusanxiety.com/take-care and https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide
· Reach out and support your coworkers. Haven’t heard from them in a while? Call! Zoom! Email! Crew! I’m having “dinner” virtually with friends tonight. Have a team lunch with Zoom. Laugh at your colleagues’ dogs and kids when you video chat. Keep connected!
· Open a window. Or step outside for a minute. Deeply inhale the air and beauty of nature.
· Create a beginning and end of the day ritual. I start my day by reading a DailyOM by Madisyn Taylor. This sets a mindful intention for my day.
· I create routines like getting up every hour and doing the stairs to our basement like Rocky.
· Include daily fun and/or self-soothing activities. Do some meditation or yoga. My favorite yoga teacher is offering free classes in English and Spanish: https://clarenorelle.com/ I did yin, which grounded myself back in my body. There are free meditation practices here: https://centerhealthyminds.org/well-being-toolkit-covid19
- Read a book. I just finished Resistance Women which put this into perspective. Yes, isolation sucks, now consider fighting against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.
· Take care of yourself! Communicate what’s going on to the people around you and to your manager. You’re essential! We are in this together! We will get through this!
By Heather Kapp, inspired by recent events and too much scrolling!