We are excited to announce to you the expansion of AchieveAbilities to a second location that will help us serve even more people in the greater Madison Area. AchieveAbilities LLC is a vocational consulting and support agency serving people with disabilities. Our agency offers Supported Employment Services, Job Development, Work Incentive Benefits Counseling, and Pre-Vocational Services Day Support. The new location is easily located at 124 Owen Rd. Monona, WI. We will be continuing to operate our administrative duties out of our location at 1118 S Park St. Madison, WI.
Some of the highlights of our new space are a larger welcome and activity space, more program space, kitchen space for working on individual skills, a computer lab and more office space. With this space, we are able to have more people in the facility safely, encourage social distancing and more.
Grand Opening Information will be coming soon!